The "ILOVEYOU" Virus Trailer | Edited & Voiced by Kedrick at J.k Pixel

I got cancelled...and i did it to myself.  | Filmed & Edited by Kedrick at J.k Pixel

I faked a scandal for attention.. | Filmed & Edited by Kedrick at J.k Pixel

Why Taylor Swift is an Evil Genius  | Filmed & Edited by Kedrick at J.k Pixel

Exposing a $124,000,000 Operation... The truth  | Filmed & Edited by Kedrick at J.k Pixel

Silence & Solitude | Filmed, Edited & Voiced by Kedrick at J.k Pixel

The Little Birdie | Directed & Edited by Kedrick at J.k Pixel

Is he worthy music video | Filmed by Kedrick at J.K Pixel | Edited by Arnie Ytreeide

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